Vietnam All Voices

Vietnam Voices You Re Alert All The Time If You Re Not Alert You Re Going To Die.mp3

2:14:08 307 МБ 1,854,147

Vietnam Voices You Re Always Listening That S One Sound You Ll Never Forget The Incoming.mp3

53:33 122.6 МБ 389,650

Vietnam Voices We Had Our War For A Day.mp3

1:28:10 201.8 МБ 496,008

Vietnam Voices That Was Probably The Scariest Part Of My Life.mp3

1:06:33 152.3 МБ 110,598

Vietnam Voices We Never Laughed In Vietnam But That Was One Day Pretty Close.mp3

1:34:54 217.2 МБ 132,169

Battlefield Vietnam All NVA Viet Cong Radio Lines.mp3

2:03 4.7 МБ 26,253

Vietnam Voices The Enemy Is Within And Without.mp3

2:25:55 334 МБ 224,075

Vietnam Voices Elwin Valley Grab All The Ammo You Can Carry And A Brand New Rifle.mp3

1:09:55 160 МБ 112,091

Battlefield Vietnam All U S Radio Lines.mp3

2:23 5.5 МБ 6,320

Vietnam Voices I Kept Dreaming The Same Dream That I Was Physically Blown Up.mp3

1:04:59 148.7 МБ 210,097

Vietnam Voices I Looked At Everybody To See Who I Could Follow There Wasn T Anybody.mp3

3:11:35 438.5 МБ 477,031

Vietnam Voices Quiet In The Daytime But It Sounds Like The L A Freeway At Night.mp3

1:25:47 196.3 МБ 73,592

Vietnam Voices The Whole City Was Alive And Then Nobody On The Streets.mp3

2:45:27 378.7 МБ 194,522

Vietnam Voices We Were Targeted Right Regular Right Regular.mp3

1:13:53 169.1 МБ 107,270

Vietnam Voices Them Ain T Fireflies.mp3

1:32:19 211.3 МБ 222,023

Vietnam Voices You Grow Up Quick.mp3

1:04:11 146.9 МБ 97,378

Vietnam Voices We Were So Psyched Up On Everything You Know.mp3

1:28:24 202.3 МБ 124,553

Vietnam Voices Most Of Us Thought We D Be Home In Six Months.mp3

1:12:09 165.1 МБ 67,095

Vietnam Voices I Learned To Let Go Real Easy Over There.mp3

1:02:47 143.7 МБ 120,537

Vietnam Voices I Guess I Was Just In Shock I Can Hear People Saying I M Hit.mp3

55:02 126 МБ 73,565

Vietnam Voices How Am I Going To Survive This.mp3

1:20:47 184.9 МБ 544,157

Vietnam Voices This Is Nothing Like Any Of Those Creepy Hollywood War Movies.mp3

1:51:05 254.2 МБ 356,886

Vietnam Voices And Now I Look Back Why Didn T It Bother Me.mp3

59:04 135.2 МБ 133,306

Rising Storm 2 Best Vietnamese Voice Line.mp3

0:09 351.6 КБ 29,114

Vietnam Voices People Out There Want To Kill Me They Don T Even Know Me.mp3

1:02:06 142.1 МБ 104,964

Vietnam Voices Yeah Charlie S 18 Or 20 Inches Tall They Re Crawling In.mp3

1:33:09 213.2 МБ 155,472

Vietnam Voices I Guess When You Re 18 19 Years Old You Think It S Going To Be The Other Guy.mp3

1:33:06 213.1 МБ 205,517

Vietnam Voices I Don T Think I Was Destined To Come Back From There Fully Intact.mp3

1:51:27 255.1 МБ 225,717

Vietnam Voices To This Day When I Hear A Helicopter Oh My God.mp3

1:30:24 206.9 МБ 761,160